"I am a businessman and that's what we need more of in government"

"I am a businessman and that's what we need more of in government"
Signed in as:
Today's campaign is for a better tomorrow!
You need a representative you trust and respect. A representative who will support Western Pennsylvania ideals, listens & fights for your rights - plus the needs of your family, home, property, and business.
Committed to "Service Above Self"
For someone who truly cares for people and communities, look to Brian Smith
"I am a businessman and that's what we need more of within government."
"Business men and women, starting from the ground up, taking informed and calculated risks, while working tirelessly creates a vibrant economic picture now and in the future.."
"Starting and building my family businesses and my many years of community involvement in Borough Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary has taught me the negotiating and decision making skills needed to be an effective State Representative"
Pennsylvania Pro-Life
Political Action Committee
July 10, 2020
Dear Mr. Smith,
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Political Action Committee is pleased to announce that it has endorsed you for election to the Pennsylvania state House.
We are grateful for your commitment to safeguarding our tax dollars from abortion. We are thankful for your support of our common sense solutions such as parental consent and informed consent prior to abortion.
The Pennsylvania Pro-life Federation Political Action Committee is the internal PAC of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. The Federation represents every region of the state and is Pennsylvania’s largest statewide pro-life organization.
We thank you for your dedication to helping to restore protection for human life and we look forward to working with you for the protection of the most fragile among us.
All the best,
Maria Gallagher
Legislative/PAC Director
I believe the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees a fundamental, individual right to keep and bears arms that applies to all law-abiding Americans, regardless of where they live in the United States.
I also agree that the Pennsylvania Constitution guarantees the same individual right to keep and bear arms by Article I, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution which states, "The right of Citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned."
Brian has lived, worked, and volunteered in this area his entire life; working non-stop to make it a better place to live, work, have a place to call your own, and raise a family.
Brian knows the value of collaborative efforts. That's why he is running for 66th District Pennsylvania State Representative.
++++ Government for the People ++++
! !. ! Government by the People ! ! !
Dear Candidate Smith,
Thank you for taking the time to answer the Firearms Owners Against Crime candidate questionnaire!
We have reviewed your answers and are pleased to tell you we have added you as a 'recommended candidate' to our 2020 State voters guide.
Kim Stolfer, President
This video of the Meet the Candidates debate will help to understand why Brian Smith is the best choice for your State Representative.
Your support and financial assistance are greatly appreciated.
Friends of Brian Smith
925 Wachob Drive
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
Or use the donate button below.